於梨華(correct me If I mistake the name) Therefore, I realized how come the story 於梨華 had written titled "青青河畔草"that female role in that story lifetime remaining no word talked to that male. : nothing to do with 信用貸款 that male's adulter, all because she did not love that male at all. And that male having loveless to that female also, they were for 土地買賣ced together, all because the underground chained slavery terriorist that slaved Chinese thousands years forceful ruling like they have had done to me and many 面膜, most or all Chinese since born and still proceeding the time while I am typing. And those who looked seem divorced still keep contacting like 張笠(The Lady worked in TFNB took or s 土地買賣till takes care my accounts) and 林文傑 most likely just using divorce as a coverup to do the underground chained slavery terriorist demanded unknown mission whatever. Therefore, law makers, you must ma 節能燈具ke law demanding any divorced couple must have clean cut relation, no more contact or connection what ever to make sure the underground chained slavery terriorist cannot use marriage, divorce as a tool to spread their secret 褐藻醣膠code or to do their secret unknown role's ruling at all. And law makers around the world, you must make "marriage certificate" very hard to get and to grant "divorce" or void "marriage certificate" immediately when you have a bit of trace to know 酒肉朋友that marriage not matching the "only love" standard, you must not allow any other thing to become the marriage hostage materials, if you do, your country, your people cannot have good future. Grant divorce or void marriage certificate immediately, then use government p 訂做禮服ower to investigate that couple all links income, property, bank account saving, safe box secret storages, etc.etc. then divide with the share as fair as possible to them, if any one of the couple disagrees with officially decision, they can keep fighting in the court but cannot effect the 買屋divorced granting or marriage certificate voided at all. When your people all married his or her only love matcher, you country, your society, your people will live happily endlessly.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋出租  .

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