Sat. Oct.21 2006 It is 7:37AM Texas time. I had a banana and pieces of cheerios. It is 15:17 Texas time. I had left over noodle and cucumber. I had too much noodle leaving no room in my stomach to have drink. I will have drink later.(I did not have drink untill the following meal) It is 23:53 Texas time. I had 3 pieces of sushi, vegetable salad, mushroom soup and a cup of green tea. I received an "Official Jury Summons" from 1019 Congress Avenue Houston Tx 77002 I am very unhappy about this stupid bad ugly office to demand me to their pl 燒烤ace on the date Nov.8 2006 time 8:00AM at 1019 Congress Avenue Downtown Houston(notice 8:00AM I suppose send my son to school a mom's duty should not be bothered by any other office disgusting), they are too stupid bad ugly evil to know that I am not a Houston resident, I am a Spring resident, just ask himself how come Houston City not sending their trush truck coming to my house to pick up my trash, how come I need pay extra fee to Republic Waste Services 西裝外套 to pick up my trash. and I am very unhappy about that stupid bad ugly office to summon me, because I don't even want to find a pay check job that means I don't like to appear in front of the public, why this stupid bad ugly evil office not respect my right to be a woman in titled to stay at home, not mention I need do my mom's duty to send my son to school and pick up him back from school. They should either summon retired man or rich and famous like Bill GAtes to do th 襯衫e man's duty, they should not take advantage of poor desperate housewoman's unfortunate and place the woman more burden. Shame on Charles Bacarisse, District Clerk Jury Assembly Room 1019 Congress Avenue Houston, Texas 77002. I hate them, I hope they all go to hell. How stupid bad ugly evil that office is? you just need to read their first exemption grant to 70 years of age and older, while those 70 years may have right to seat in many offices's high chairs and qualify to run for US Presi 買屋dency or Congress seats. Justice related workers lack of the common sense and good heart to care the innocent weak woman and pay attention to kids needs should go to hell to eat their sucks. It just like stupid bad ugly evil so called "affirmative action"(correct my spelling if needed) that too stupid bad ugly evil to know any racist may encounter the discrimination like Black mayhave met.; any agers may have the problem the 70years old or older mayhave; you have no right to side with the majority and see minority like not 澎湖民宿hing. Not mention those officials are too stupid bad ugly evil to know that FULL time MOM must drive kid(s) around, full time mom has the right to be extreme caution, and kid(s) cannot be mom's boss, how could they act like such a too stupid bad ugly evil to know that full mom cannot like working class female dressed animals's luxury to have a boss to give them a leave or leaves. And full time mom maynot have the evil eyes to know those stupid bad uglyevil female dressed animals like Condi Rice, Hillary Clinton, Lu Show-Lainor male dressed 591 animals like Chen SuiBen, Bill Clinton, or whatever named suspected criminals hardship's motives or roots. If you justice department cannot even has the common sense and brain cell to get full time mom's activites from local police, FBI, homeland security, schools spyware records, from IRS tax forms, from Social Security tax credit to get the full time mom's status, you justice department sucks, you have no right to punish any full time mom's more faithful in her duty than you stupid bad ugly evil justice department workers. Life already risking e 房地產nough, government officials have no right to add more to our young and restless kids or young man and woman, they should call rich and famous like Trump or Gates, risky's their way of life to do business or call those retiring old folks who are old enough to wait for more times to be called. Or they should accept stupid bad uglyevil civilians to volunteer register or withdraw to the Jury pool, like we have done with post office to hold our mails, if lack of stupid bad uglyevil civilians want to be volunteer, they should just ask the public officials to take turn to service in the Jury 租房子, because the public officials get the pay check from the government and they supposed better intelligent than we stupid bad ugly evil civilians any way. Therefore, you should know the hardest job is to get your stupid bad ugly evil civilians to be good enough to defense the law and order, therefore, you communist has no wisdom and brave to help your stupid bad ugly evil civilians to be good enough to defense law and order, you should have the shame to honestly control your stupid bad ugly evil civilians and jail all of them into your own place; and the western stupid bad ugly evil officials should have the hone 帛琉st heart to respect the communist's honest real sight to know the reality of their own sucks to demand their stupid bad ugly evil civilians or rats leave Communist place alone, keep long distance from their intitled place. THEREFORE, TAIWANESE BE ALERTED, YOU ARE MORE EVIL THAN COMMUNIST CHINA, WHEN YOU MOVE TO MAINLAND CHINA, MIND YOU OWN PERSONAL BUSINESS, DO NOT USE YOUR UNDERGROUND CHAINED SLAVERY TO FOOL, SUCK , TAKE ADVANTAGE OF COMMUNIST SIMPLE MIND PEOPLE, IF YOU DO, YOU WILL HAVE NO PLACE TO LIVE.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 信用卡代償  .

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